Going Dewey: Reclassifying a Curriculum Materials Collection





Library staff developed a project to reclassify the Curriculum Materials Collection of a specialty library on the campus of a regional comprehensive university from its custom classification system derived from those developed during the 1960s and 1970s to Dewey Decimal Classification. While this system had the advantage of browsability for patrons who were familiar with previous use, its unusual nature made training patrons and staff challenging. The transition to Dewey is expected to ease training and use, enhance resource sharing, and allow student teachers to transfer their library skills to their new schools.

Author Biographies

Christopher Levesque, University of West Florida

Head of the Professional Studies Library
Instruction & Information Literacy Coordinator

Bianca Jimmerson, University of West Florida

Program Manager

Professional Studies Library


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Jones, R. E. (1971). A proposed classification schedule for a Curriculum Materials Collection (thesis). Central Washington State College, Ellensburg, WA.

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Case Studies