From Laboratory to Library: The History of Wayne State University’s Education Library


  • Suzan A. Alteri Wayne Institute University, Purdy/Kresge Library



The Education Library at Wayne State University has a long and storied history. From its beginning at the Detroit Normal School to its final merger with the general library, the Education Library has been at the heart of not only Wayne State University, but also in the development of the College of Education. This paper chronicles the history of the library, and the people who created it, from its very beginning to its final place among the volumes of Purdy/Kresge Library.


Engle, C. B. & Borgman, B. C. (1984). Profile of the Kresge

(Education) Library, Wayne State University, Detroit,

Michigan. Education Libraries, 9 (1-2), 21-25.

Functional Library at Wayne. (1954, May). Michigan Education Journal, 30, 158-160.

Hanawalt, L. L. (1968). A Place of Light: The History of Wayne State

University. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.

Ware, W. (1985, June 17). Library Merger Ahead. The South End, p. 9.


