A Collaborative approach to implementing 21st Century skills in a High school senior research class


  • Michael K. O'Sullivan Rosemount High School, Rosemount, MN
  • Kim B. Dallas Rosemount High School, Rosemount, MN




Businesses and higher education leaders are looking for students with the ability to evaluate and analyze information and to use this information to solve real-world problems. These are the information literacy skills students need for the 21st century. However, several recent studies on the ability of college freshmen to handle the rigor of college courses and research indicate that high school students are not being adequately prepared to apply these skills. The authors provide a case study of a collaborative effort between an English teacher and the high school librarian to better prepare high school seniors on how to locate reliable information, analyze the information and then determine how it can be applied to solving a real world issue or problem.


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