Where is the Knowledge? Knowledge Management, Research and Pedagogy in the Electronic Age


  • Bernard R. Gifford




Paper presented to the Special Libraries Association, 83rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, Ca., on June 10 1992. Defines, discusses and lauds new technology for research and pedagogy in the electronic age in the near future both nationally and internationally. Gives examples of usage ranging from reconstruction of Dead Sea Scrolls to planning baseball strategy to answering medical questions in Africa. Alerts both teachers and librarians to expect change and maintains that librarians will not be passive consultants but knowledge managers. Discusses the concept that lecturing is an unnatural act and predicts that within next two years automated instructional systems will be implemented. Says that delay is caused not by lack of machinery but lack of courseware. Discusses limits of present software such as CD-ROM. Advocates networked, digital video for future educational technology, i .e. Computer-Mediated Learning Systems, although concedes that technology cannot meet all instructional needs.


