The (Bene)fits of Compiling a Specialized Database


  • Anne Wade



The Centre for the Study of Classroom Processes (CSCP) at Concordia University in Montreal recently completed a three year project to compile a specialized database on the successful pedagogical approach of cooperative learning.
Using the BiblioLinks software, the results of CD-ROM searches executed on a variety of source databases, were transferred into an in-house database. Utilizing the ProCite bibliographic management software, a package designed
to store bibliographic information, the database was customized according to the needs of the CSCP. The benefits of establishing a specialized database included the ability to perform extensive searches on multidisciplinary sub-topics
within the area of cooperative learning. However a number of problems occurred throughout the course of compiling the database, the majority of which related to limitations with the hardware and software. This article provides a chronology of those problems. Issues related to copyright and the publication of this database in the form of a comprehensive bibliography, are also addressed.


