Web Journals and Education


  • Vivienne Monty




The Journal is the most accepted vehicle for the dissemenation of work results and today electronic journals are very much part of that form of dissemination. Electronic Journals (E-journals) come in many forms from academic ones to zines, which are popular and irreverent for the most part. There are many e-joumals on the Internet and the Web in education. It is an ideal medium for them. In particular, e-journals in education help the cognitive learning process. The do so by complying with learning series as outlined by Piaget, Kolb, Witkins and others. Through their flexibility with hyperlinks and the varying formats they allow, e-joumals can relate to the varying leaning styles of students. Despite of all their positive aspects, there are still a number of issues of concern with this medium of publication such as copyright, stability of format, archiving, updating, indexing and the like. Nonetheless, e-journals will continue to grow and expand due to ease of access and because, in the field of education they promote an interactive learning tool.


