Students Lead the Charge! Using Project-Based Learning with Pre-service Teachers to Redesign a Curriculum Resource Center


  • Kieran Ayton Rhode Island College
  • Karen Capraro Rhode Island College



Project-based learning (PBL) allows students to identify and find solutions to real-world problems using inquiry-based learning.  With the exception of Correll and Bornstein (2018), very little has been written about using PBL to redesign college and university Curriculum Resource Centers.  The authors of this article used PBL in conjunction with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Centers (CMCs) and the three themes for PBL success in higher education identified by Lee et al. (2014) to work with a small class of upper-level elementary education pre-service teachers to redesign an academic library  Curriculum Resource Center. 

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Kieran Ayton, Rhode Island College

Kieran Ayton is the Emerging Technologies and Liaison Librarian to the School of Education, Association Professor, at Rhode Island College.  He is the Past-President of the Rhode Island Library Association (2017-19).  His professional interests include website usability design and online learning.  His personal interests include creative writing and alternative healing modalities.

Karen Capraro, Rhode Island College

Karen Capraro is a Professor in Rhode Island College's Elementary Education Department.  Karen works with preservice teachers in the areas of children's literature, the integration of the arts into the elementary curriculum, elementary mathematics, and foundations of education.  Karen earned her Ph.D. from the Rhode Island College and the University of Rhode Island's joint doctoral program in the Philosophy of Education.  Her research interests include teacher preparation, project-based learning, and empowering students.


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Case Studies